đź’śCattys systemđź’ś
Host: Catty (she/they)
Co-hosts: Kurloz Makara (he/him), Jaspers Lalonde (he/him)
Protector: Marvus Xoloto (he/him/them)
Caretaker: Kankri Vantas (he/him)
HDHD/autism manger: Mituna Captor (he/him) & Karkat Vantas (he/him)
Helper: Gamzee Makara (he/him)
others: Karako Pierot (he/him), Meulin Leijon (she/her), Chahut Maenad (she/her), Nashir Makara (he/him), Cal Strider (they/them/she/her), John Doe (he/him/they/them/she/her/it), Sollux Captor (he/him), Eridan Ampora (he/him), Cronus Ampora (he/him), Dualscar (he/him), Kumprum Maxlol (he/him), Cirava Hermod (non-binary), Alma Doe (non-binary), Tagora Gorjek (he/him),
Important to note: we as a system have decided that when it comes to relationships that each alt can choose to date or be with other people. Meaning that the body may date more then one person.partner system:is open to itwe also see GHB and Kurloz as two sepret people
I'm very friendly. I love to help others. I'm a artist. I usually over see the others and manage our system as a whole. Im always stressed .
Kurloz Makara
Hello there. I'm normally calm and quiet. My job really is to make sure Catty takes breaks. The times I'm usually fronting are at night or when we are too stressed. I welcome anyone to approach me if you want.
Jaspers Lalonde
hello. It's nice to meet you. I'm the third host. I'm normally there if catty is not.
Marvus Xoloto
Hi there person. Im very lay back. If it seems like im flirting im not its just how I talk if it makes you uncomfortable just say something and I’ll stop. I usually won’t have a problem with you as long as you don’t give us any problems. Will front on request usually.
Kankri Vantas
Hello who ever you are. Im very talkative if I know you. Im usually the person who keeps everyone calm. It’s also my job to take care of everyone. I tend to also hold helpful information like peoples triggers, likes & dislikes, and interests. Please talk to me if you need help talking to our members.
Mituna Captor
Hello! Im the hyper and playful one. (Please don’t talk about too many adult stuff he doesn’t want to hear it and probably doesn’t understand it. But don’t treat him like a child either. He can comfort people)-Kankri
Karkat Vantas
Hi. Im the one who helps watch Tuna. Im very easy to anger. If I come off as a bit mad it’s probably not you I'm probably angry at something else.
Gamzee Makara
I usually help the rest of my motherfucking system out. I'm normally calm. I love a good motherfucking prank. If my brother is in front I'm usually close by endless I'm napping.